Why I’m abandoning strict Allman style in Puppet manifests

I pretty much always use Allman style in languages that have braces. I like the symmetry, and the visible separation of identifier from value.

Though Allman style has its roots in C, the only brace language I use these days is Puppet. (Python end-runs around this whole issue by omitting braces altogether, which I ultimately prefer.) Pedantic as I am, my choice of brace style has extended (as closely as I could) to writing Puppet manifests.

class motd

  $content = undef

  { '/etc/motd':
    content => $content,
    owner   => '0',
    group   => '0',
    mode    => '0644',

This isn’t what most people do, and it’s certainly not what the examples in the Puppet style guide do; but it’s also not in violation of any of the recommendations in the style guide.

I’ve been doing this for years, now; but today, I had one of those “aha” moments where I pleasantly realized that I’ve been doing it wrong.

Allman style works just fine for Puppet class definition; but Puppet resources provide their titles within the braces, rather than outside. This supports the compression of multiple resources into a single declaration.

file {
    content => 'a';
    content => 'b';

This syntax is explicitly discouraged in the style guide, but it’s part of the language’s legacy.

The problem with Allman style in this context is that is separates the resource title from the resource type. In most braced languages, the title of an element is written outside of the braces, after the type.

#! /bin/bash

function main
    # ...

In this example, it would be easy to grep a pile of Bash source files for scripts that declare a main function.

$ grep 'function main' *.sh

Not so with Allman style. I can grep for /etc/motd; but that would match against any reference to the file. Finding the declaration itself becomes a manual exercise with a contextual grep (grep --before-context 1).

All of this becomes much simpler, however, if resource declarations include the resource title (and the interstitial brace) on the same line as the resource type.

class motd

  $content = undef

  file { '/etc/motd':
    content => $content,
    owner   => '0',
    group   => '0',
    mode    => '0644',

Even I have to admit that grep "file { '/etc/motd':" *.pp is much simpler.

This is immaterial for class declarations, since the class name is located before the brace.

class motd

I’d argue that Puppet should at least support a similar syntax for resources; one that puts the title directly after the type.

file '/etc/motd'

That could get a bit confusing, though, when using parameterized classes, as a parameterized class application syntax is somewhat close to regular class definition syntax.

# definition
class motd
  # ...

# declaration
class motd
  content => 'Hello, world!',