


Andrew Anderson

Has your life become a desert,
Filled with pain and numb with tears?
Have you wasted all these years,
On mirages now unclear,
Has the sun began to sear,
Your vision?
Does the sand beneath your feet,
Make you stumble from your path?
Turn your life into a garden
Filled with love and full of pardon,
Take the hand that’s reaching out to you.
Take the hand of Jesus Christ.
He will save you from your fall.
Read the writing on the wall;
Jesus is the Lord.
Now the harvest is approaching,
And each day new weeds appear.
Only Jesus can remove them
Only He can make them clear
Let His spirit move within you,
You can feel His presence near.
He will tend your life each day,
Give you water for your soul
Warmth and light to make it grow.
Let Jesus be your Gardener...
Take the hand of Jesus Christ.
He will save you from your fall.
Read the writing on the wall;
Jesus is the Lord.